Poverty in Suffolk

There’s a massive misconception that Suffolk is just a rural idyll, dotted with large horses, sweeping countryside, lovely beaches, and beautiful country pubs, while also being the home to three of England’s finest painters, Sir Alfred Munnings, Thomas Gainsborough and John Constable which indeed is true. But the other side of the county has a host of similarities to many other towns and cities in the UK.

Part of a photo commission from the Suffolk Community Foundation was for me was to visit a collection of towns in the county of Suffolk and to highlight some of the groups and associations with which they funded. One of these towns was Lowestoft which until only a few years ago had a large thriving local fishing and fish processing industry, but has since fallen on hard times as a result of losing this vital economic income. Waveney in Lowestoft has become one of the most deprived wards in the county and ranking 173rd most deprived in England. Poverty in Suffolk, is nothing new, but over the last decade or so, but the raise in more people living on the bread line as increase.

Photography has been crucial in helping to promote and highlight the local shelters and community hubs which the Suffolk community foundation helps fund these valuable work within this initiative. By telling the resident's individual stories, my photography help to put a human face to each of these narratives. We really do react to other peoples stories, it enables the viewer, reader, to better connect with each particular individual's account.

We often think communication is achieved just through words, but communicating visually is a natural aspect of life, some say stronger than words as our lives are lived visually. We learn at a young age how to interpret actions, emotions, ideas, and feelings, Through words and pictures, our comprehension is enhanced because we’re seeing the effect that we’re reading in words.

If you fail to use the power of good visuals to deliver your organisation's stories, either through video or good photography, you're failing to engage thoroughly with your audiences and ultimately failing to provide your own fundamental important story.

Are you a charity needing new imagery for a new campaign or website?

If you would like to know more about John Ferguson’s work or would like speak with John, get in touch here.

#charity #communication #peoplephotography #campaign #creative#visualstorytelling #johnfergusonphotography

john Ferguson

I’m an awarding winning editorial and commercial ‘People’ photographer based in both London & Suffolk. I now specialise primarily in Personal Branding photography for a range of commercial and corporate clients. I also work with a variety of entrepreneurial professionals producing creative and contemporary portraiture.


My Friday Photo Stories.....Pt 3
